Keya Medical
AI for Smarter Healthcare
Exploring the Future of Non-Invasive Cardiac Diagnostics: Join Keya Medical at SCCT Global 2025
Keya Medical’s advanced AI solutions and the application of Deep Learning CT-derived Fractional Flow Reserve analysis in non-invasive cardiac diagnostics. Visit us at SCCT 2025, Booth 14.
Clemenceau Medical Center implements cardiovascular diagnostics CT FFR with DeepVessel FFR.
Clemenceau Medical Center affiliated with Johns Hopkins International implements advanced cardiovascular diagnostics with DeepVessel FFR.
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CT FFR Analysis
Enhancing Diagnosis and Management for Coronary Artery Disease Patients
DEEPVESSEL FFR is a AI-enabled, non-invasive CT fractional flow reserve (FFRCT) analysis. It is an augmentative physiological functional assessment of the coronary arteries using coronary computer tomography angiograms. The software can reduce unnecessary invasive testing, improve patient safety, and lower the cost of cardiovascular testing.
A New Category I CPT code for non-invasive FFR
Category I CPT Code
Starting January 1, 2024, medical practices will implement a new category I CPT code (75580) for non-invasive FFR estimates derived from coronary CT angiography software analysis.
The American College of Cardiology (ACC), American College of Radiology (ACR), and the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT) jointly proposed this change to the American Medical Association. It replaces four prior category III CPT codes.
Available in the USA, EMEA, China, Singapore
Cost Saving
Physician Autonomy
Streamlined Workflow
FFRCT and DVFFR have transformed my practice, allowing me to provide superior patient care and achieve better outcomes. I am sincerely grateful for this invaluable resource provided by Corazon Imaging.