by KeyaMedical | Jun 3, 2021
Quantitative analysis module of cerebral blood flow based on perfusion cerebral hemodynamics model.
by KeyaMedical | Jun 3, 2021
DeepVessel® LVO Deep learning software for the automatic identification of LVO on CT angiogram images Diagnosis | Neurology DeepVessel LVO: This module will be designed for diagnosing large vessel occlusion (LVO). It will analyze head CTA images, automatically...
by KeyaMedical | Jun 3, 2021
DeepVessel® ASPECTS A neuroimaging software medical device that automatically calculates ASPECTS from head CT scans Diagnosis | Neurology DeepVessel ASPECTS: This module will be designed for diagnosing ischemic stroke. Based on non-contrast head CT images, it will...
by KeyaMedical | Jun 3, 2021
DeepVessel® Stroke A software workflow prioritization tool designed to detect ICH cases on head CT scans Diagnosis | Neurology DeepVessel Stroke is based on the FDA-cleared CuraRad-ICH triage product and will be enhanced as part of the solution suite. CuraRad ICH is...
by KeyaMedical | May 25, 2021
DEEPVESSEL® Cardisight A coronary CT angiogram analysis software based on deep learning Request Demo DEEPVESSEL Cardisight is in development and has not been reviewed by regulatory agencies. This product is not for sale. DeepVessel® Cardisight A coronary CT angiogram...
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